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Science Safety

Celebration & Reminder:  All secondary schools took inventory of the chemicals in their labs ensuring proper storage and updated SDS (safety data sheets) during the 2020/21 school year.  Chemical disposal fees are the responsibility of the school.

The Flinn Catalog has a fantastic guide for disposal methods. Available in the paper catalog or online. Flinn Disposal Methods (A free account is required to view the online version.) 

Future Guidance

    • Please be judicious when ordering.
    • Evaporate liquid when disposing of metals to reduce costs.
    • Before disposing of extra chemicals reach out to Lynsey Williams to ensure another school is not interested.

Utah State Office of Risk Assessment: Before buying any new chemicals check the link below. 

School Chemicals Search


Chemicals listed as Banned are literally banned by the Hazardous Materials Section of the State Fire Marshal’s Office from being stored in the school.